Dedicated Patient Line
029-853-7668(※appointment only)

Core Allergic Disease Center

Designated Core Allergic Disease Center for Ibaraki Prefecture since April, 2008

About Core Allergic Disease Center Designation:

Each prefecture selects a core hospital for allergic disease care to ensure equal and consistent treatment regardless of location. Our hospital has been designated as the Core Allergic Disease Center for Ibaraki Prefecture, outlined by the following duties:

When necessary, all relevant departments will collaborate to achieve accurate diagnoses, treatment, management, information provision, and human resource management for severe and intractable allergic diseases.

To fulfill our duty, these activities are being conducted in our hospital:
・Medical cooperation meetings
・Education and training sessions for medical staff
・Lectures/information sessions for residents
・Disseminating the latest information on allergic disease care

Lecture and Workshop Information

Click here for details on lecture and training sessions (Japanese only) 

Links to Related Organizations


University of Tsukuba Hospital Medical Support Division
 TEL:029-853-5673 FAX:029-853-7581
 Please replace the star symbol with @ when sending email