Dedicated Patient Line
029-853-7668(※appointment only)

Staffing Levels

Staffing Levels

Current as of May 1, 2021

職種 Occupational Categories 常勤職員 Full-time 非常勤職員 Part-time 計 Total
合計Total 1,964 683 2,647
教員(医学医療系所属) Faculty Members(Faculty of Medicine) 249 0 249
病院講師 Clinical Lecturer 61 0 61
病院助教 Clinical Assistant Professor 64 0 64
研究員 Researcher 3 2 5
医員 Senior Residents 0 244 244
研修医 Junior Residents 0 74 74
クリニカル・アシスタント Clinical Assistant 0 56 56
病院登録医 Hospital Registered Doctors 0 92 92
看護師 Nurses 924 43 967
助産師 Midwives 63 3 66
保健師 Public Health Nurse 1 0 1
看護助手 Assistant Nurses 2 44 46
薬剤師 Pharmacists 76 4 80
診療放射線技師 Radiology Technicians 55 1 56
臨床検査技師 Laboratory Technicians 68 12 80
臨床工学技士 Clinical Engineers 30 1 31
理学療法士 Physical Therapists 39 1 40
作業療法士 Occupational Therapists 15 1 16
言語聴覚士 Speech-Language-Hearing Therapist 7 2 9
歯科技工士 Dental Technicians 1 2 3
歯科衛生士 Dental Hygienists 2 0 2
視能訓練士 Orthoptists 3 3 6
内視鏡技師 Endscope Technicians 0 0 0
栄養士 Dieticians 20 1 21
調理師 Cooks 17 0 17
臨床心理士 Clinical Psychotherapists 8 0 8
精神保健福祉士 Psychiatric Social Worker 1 0 1
社会福祉士 Medical Social Workers 13 0 13
診療情報管理士 Health Information Manager 9 0 9
医療技術補助員 Medical Technicians 0 0 0
技術職員 Technical Official 29 24 53
保育士 Childcare Workers 3 1 4
事務職員 Administrative Staff 201 2 273
※ 看護部所属の技能補佐員とシニアスタッフについては、看護助手(非常勤)にて算出
※ 薬剤部所属の技能補佐員については、医療技術補助員にて算出(免許未取得のため)
* For Assistant Administrative Staffs and Senior Staffs, it is calculated by the figures of an Administrative Staff (part-time).
* For Assistant Technical Staffs and Assistant Skilled Staffs, it is calculated by the figures of a Technical Staff (part-time).
* For Assistant Skilled Staffs and Senior Staffs who belong to the Nursing Department, it is calculated by the figures of an Assistant Nurse (part-time).
* For Assistant Skilled Staffs who belong to the Pharmacy Department, it is calculated by the figures of a Medical Technical Supporter (because of unachieved license).
* For Assistant Technical Staffs in the Children’s Medical Center, it is calculated by the figures of a Nursery Staff.