Non-Japanese medical associates received

Non-Japanese medical associates received

Practical clinical training
Practical clinical training

Practical clinical training

Physicians, Nurses and other medical professionals who wish to undergo clinical practical training at our hospital must submit the required documentation upon understanding the system of our clinical practical training. After a decision is made to receive the applicant, we will begin communicating, decide on the department of specialty,and arrange the practical training schedule. You will need to arrive in Tsukuba by the day prior to the start of practical training and undergo an orientation. Please make the application by at least 3 months prior to the start of practical training.

※Medical Students
    Please contact the following address:
  (Please change ★ into @ when you send the email.)


Application for practical clinical training
Application for practical clinical training

Application for practical clinical training

  1. Person who needs a physician will describe the specialist that s/he wishes to see and the reasons.
  2. A Letter of recommendation from officers of an organization (your supervisor), including universities, hospitals, and medical institutions.
  3. Certification of preventatitve immunization and condition of health (signed by physician)
  4. Curriculum Vitae with your photo

Past trainees
Past trainees

Past trainees

These are people including medical students, residents, physicians, and medical physicists who were accepted from other countries since OPIMA was established in October 2012. Period and speciality of practical training vary.


Practical training report
Practical training report

Practical training report

We will ask you to submit a report from each specialty at which people were accepted, no matter the period, after completion of practical training.


Testimonial from past trainees
Testimonial from past trainees

Testimonial from past trainees

This section lists feedback and testimonials about the practical training by the trainees who have returned home.
